Change Management


Change management in the fast evolving tech sector

The communication approach that is most likely to influence and lead to behaviour change is one that expects resistance to change and takes a long-term view. The changes are numerous,  varied and unrolling fast. They range from cloud adoption and transitioning to renewable energy to attracting talent.

A stepped approach would start building trust by informing, engaging, sharing stories to win advocates before being able to message convincingly a call for action. This process can take time. Starting a communication program targeted to multi stakeholder categories certainly in the tech space, that is reliant on mass adoption, can be a strong support for achieving business objectives.

The photo illustrates some of our early work leading in communicating  trends in the fast evolving big data technologies. The article of Philip Low on cloud computing in Commerce magazine in Abu Dhabi was published as early as 2009. We were first to bring this conversation to the MENA region and raise awareness, before migration to cloud accelerated at scale.

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